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Introducing the Australian Record priced Border Leicester Ram, Gleneith Fred 356/20.
The record price of $32,500 was paid by David and Carol Jackson, and their son Ross and his wife Lydia, partners in Jackson Farming, Moyston. Victoria.
We hadn’t seen him in person, but we were very thrilled when he arrived, and are certainly not disappointed, he is an outstanding young sire.
An impressive young sire, with very balanced figures, he is a triplet born son of Gleneith 358/17, one of the leading sires at Gleneith, and backed by a Border Leicester Cross Index of $142.4 in 2021, he has now risen to 16th on the leading sires table with a BLX of $165.42.
He is in the top 5% for BLX and weaning rate, and in the top 20% for PWT and MWWT.
We are very impressed with his progeny.