Two-Dot Supreme Champion tops the 2023 Jackson Sale
Border Leicesters -
*11 Top of the drop ewes sold to a top of $2000 and averaged $1400.
The top priced selected ram Lot 13. Two-Dot 417/22 sold to Gleneith Border Leicester stud, Ganmain, NSW, for $5,000. This young ram is a son of Gleneith Fred 356/20, the Australian record priced Border Leicester ram. Two-Dot 417/22 was judged Supreme Border Leicester Exhibit and Supreme Longwool Exhibit at the 2023 Australian Sheep and Wool Show.
*77 Border Leicester Flock rams averaged $1432.
Poll Dorsets -
*50 Poll Dorset rams averaged $1008 and sold to a top of $1400.