New, return support boosts Jackson’s anniversary sale
By Kylie Nicholls
Border Leicesters -
*12 of 12 Border Leicester ewes sold to $3,000, av $1800
*99 of 99 Border Leicesters rams sold to $7,250, av $2,647
Poll Dorsets -
*42 of 42 Poll Dorset rams sold to $2,100, av $1,793
The Jackson family celebrated their 21st annual on-property ram sale in style, achieving a complete clearance and a new record average of $2647 for the Border Leicester offering.
A total of 99 Border Leicester stud and flock rams were sold to a top of $7250, 12 Border Leicester stud ewes sold to $3000 for an average of $1800, while in the Poll Dorset line-up, all 42 rams were sold to a top of $2100, averaging $1793.
Strong support from buyers throughout Victoria, SA and NSW underpinned the success of the sale, with 72 bidders registered on-property at Moyston and a further 77 buyers registered online through AuctionsPlus.
Jackson Farming stud principals David and Carol Jackson and Ross and Lydia Jackson were thrilled with the result.
"It was the type of sale that you really only dream about," Mr Jackson said.
"We would like to thank all the successful buyers and underbidders, livestock agents and everyone that helped make the sale such a success."
The auction opened with 12 'top of the drop' 2019 stud Border Leicester ewes who received spirited bidding both on-property and through AuctionsPlus.
A top price of $3000 was paid by Will Schilling, Glenlee Park, Gerang Gerung, for Lot 9 in the catalogue. Sired by Hewitt 66/2014, the young ewe had a Border Leicester Cross index of $122.1.
Mr Schilling also bought another stud ewe for $2400 while Caleb Morgan, Macarthur, also paid $2400 for a stud ewe.
The six specially selected stud rams attracted the attention of breeders with Chris Hewitt, Hewitt Border Leicester stud, Warracknabeal, paying the top price on the day of $7250 for Lot 16, Jackson 103/2019.
Sired by Gleneith Wesley, the twin-born ram featured a Border Leicester Cross index of $129.8 and a high Maternal index of $144.4, making him eligible as a SuperBorder ram.
Mr Hewitt, who is also a member of the SuperBorder group, said the ram would be put to use in his own stud, which currently comprises 370 ewes.
"I liked the ram's size, wool quality and performance figures, he is in the top 10 per cent for post weaning weight," Mr Hewitt said.
The Banks family, Hothorpe Grange, Mt Mercer, and Ian Carr, Castle Camps, Keith, SA, operating through AuctionsPlus, paid an equal second top price of $5000 each for a stud ram.
Solid bidding from repeat purchasers continued for the line-up of high indexing Border Leicester flock rams. Buying at the top end of the sale draft was Coryule Pastoral Co, Willowvale, who took home four rams, paying to a top of $3000, while Todd Burger, Glenthompson, paid to $3900 for four rams and Stephen Millard, Millard Farms, Byaduk, paid to $4000 for two rams.
Volume buyers on the day included the Crawford family, Sierra Park, Victoria Valley, who secured eight rams for an average of $2337, paying to $2800, while Adam Stevens, Willaura, took home six rams, averaging $2133, and Tim Watson, Tatyoon, purchased five rams for an average of $2360.
Other buyers included RH & JL Selway, Woolsthorpe, who bought four rams, averaging $2375, Robert and Jill Marshall, Moyston, who paid an average of $2275 for four rams, I & L Jubb, Hexham, who bought three rams, paying to $2800, and Abbott Pastoral, Mt William, Willaura, took home three rams, averaging $2500.
In the Poll Dorsets, Russell Phillips, Tatyoon, paid a top of $2100 for the final ram in the sale catalogue, which featured a terminal carcase production index of 125.5. Mr Phillips also secured a further three Poll Dorset rams.
Volume Poll Dorset buyer was Paraway Pastoral, Barton Station, Moyston, taking home eight rams for an average of $1675, while the Marshall family also operated in the Poll Dorset draft, picking up five rams averaging $1760, Nicholls Farming, Hamilton, secured five rams paying to $1900 and Glen Pretty, through Elders Ballarat, paid to $1900 for three rams.
Elders auctioneer Ross Milne was impressed with the depth and quality of the Jackson family's rams and said it was a great sale, well-supported by repeat buyers and new clients.
A further 44 Border Leicester and Poll Dorset rams were sold after the sale.
Elders and Nutrien Ag Solutions jointly conducted the sale.

Ross Milne, Elders, Chris Hewitt, Hewitt Border Leicester stud, Warracknabeal, David Preston, Nutrien Ag Solutions, and David Jackson, Jackson Farming, Moyston, with the top price Border Leicester ram sold for $7250.